I shall pass through this world but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do, let me do it now... for I shall not pass this way again. (Etienne de Grellet) |
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1. Please click here to register as a member of the group, so you can search for contact information of your long lost classmates around the world! or click here to update your own record.
2a. Here's to revisit our NCE68 Graduation Day - Click here... and here's how we all looked in 1967 - click here
(photos provided by John Leung & Esther Chu)
2b. A Reflection - Quietly and naturally we all have arrived at the Age of Contentment. Let's pause to reflect on this stage of our life and try to enjoy it. When you can afford 10 minutes of quiet time for yourself, then settle down with a cup of tea, open this PowerPoint presentation and enjoy! Click here![]()
(This slideshow was discovered by Theresa Lui and submitted by Daisy Lam Jan. 31/10)
Note: If you wish to read just the full text of the presentation, click here Content.pdf
2c. Go to the top right of this page and click 獻給好朋友 slideshow to enjoy the sentiment and start to ... !
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